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Biology - Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production


Published in: Biology

Revision notes on Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production.

VE-SCIENCE I / Kolkata

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  1. Revision Notes on Strateqies for Enhancement in Food Production Poul try Poultry includes the birds like chicken (hen), ducks, geese and turkey. Poultry farming deals with the rearing of them for their eggs and meat. Fowls are widely distributed as domesticated animal since time immemorial, but in the present century, it has become an important small scale industry due to modern need for palatable and nutritive food which it provides in the form of eggs as well as adult animal. An egg laying poultry bird is called hen and the poultry birds groomed for obtaining meat are called chicken or broilers. Livestock (i) Meaning of livestock: The word livestock refers to the domestic animals kept or dealt in for use or profit. It includes cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, mules, donkeys and camels. The most important of these are cattle and buffaloes. (ii) Cattle (Bos indicus) Buffaloes (Bos bubalus): The word cattle includes cow (adult female), bull (uncastrated adult male), bullock or OX (castrated adult male) and steer (young castrated male). (iii) Importance of cattle and Buffaloes: Cattle and buffalo are most important forms of domesticated animals. They are next to land in use for farmers. They are widely used for: used in agricultural ( a) Agricultural Operations : Cattle are operations such as ploughing, harrowing and level ling land; in harvesting and thrashing ripe crops; and in working wells, etc. Cows and buffaloes provide milk, an important human food (b) Milk: with all the essential materials. Cattle are employed in cart driving to transport (c) Transport : men and materials . they are However , machines . The dung provided (d) Manure and fuel : manure for maintaining the fertility of for preparation of biogas or gobar gas . being fast replaced by by them acts as valuable the soil. It is also used Dung cakes provide cheap fuel to the poor, but the fields get deprived of important manure. Hides obtained from these animals are used for (e) Leather : preparation of leather goods . Their bones, horns and hoofs yield glue (f) Glue and gelatin : gelatin. Beef and buffalo meat are eaten by certain people (g) Meat: Hair is used for making brushes. (h) Hair: Indian bulls are used for i) Hybridisation : the and (iv) Breeds of cattle: There are 26 breeds of cattle and 7 breeds of buffaloes in India. They differ in colour, general body build, form of horns, forehead and geographical distribution. The best cattle breeds occur in the drier regions of the country. The most important breeds of milk cows in
  2. the United States of America are Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, Quernsey, Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Depending upon the utility, the cattle are classified into the following groups; (a) Milch breeds that give good milk-producing cows, (b) Draught breeds which give good working bullocks, (c) General utility (dual-purpose) breeds the females of these are good milk-producers and the bullocks are good draught breeds animals . Some Breeds Milch Breeds l. Gir 2. Sahiwal 3. Red Sindhi 4. Deoni of Indian Cattle Drought Breeds 1. Malvi 2. Nageri 3. Hallikar 4. Kangayam General Utility Breeds 1. Haryana 2. Ongole 3. Kankrej 4. Tharparkar Some Breeds of Indians Breed Murrah Bhadawari Jaffrabadi Surti Mehsana Buffaloes Distribution Gujrat, Rajasthan Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Distribution Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh Karnataka Tamil Nadu and other parts of South India Distribution Haryana, Punjab, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat Andhra Pradesh Gujrat Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat Distribution Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh Gujrat Rajasthan, Gujrat Gujrat
  3. Nagpuri or Ellichpuri Niii Ravi Api cul ture Central and South India Punjab, Haryana (1) Apiculture is the science of rearing honeybees for obtaining honey, wax and venom. It is a profitable money-making hobby. It forms a cottage industry, when carried out on a large scale. (2) Three species of honey bees are commonly found in india vig. Apis indica (The small indian bee). Apis florea (The little indian bee) and. Apis dorsata (the giant bee) other important species include Apis milifera (the common European bee. (i) Honeybee-Apis: Like termites, honeybees are social insects known for producing honey and beeswax, and for living in very highly organized colonies. These feed upon nectar and pollen of flowers, possess "sucking and chewing" mouth parts, and undergo complete metamorphosis. Each colony has its own nest called honeycomb or beehive. (ii) Division of labour and polymorphism: Each beehive harbours a colony of thousands of polymorphic bees belonging to a single family. The polymorphic individuals are of three main types (i) a single queen (fertile female)(ii) one to a few hundred drones (fertile males) and (iii) thousands (upto 60,000) of worker bees (sterile females). (iii) Life History: Queen lays about 2,000 eggs a day. The eggs are laid in the comb, one in each cell. They hatch out into larvae in three days. They are fed on royal jelly for a few days. But the larva which develops into the queen will be fed on royal jelly continuously. During breeding, the queen bee flies in the air along with the males. This phenomenon is called nuptial flight. During nuptial flight the queen copulates with a male Copulation occurs in the air. Then the bees return to the comb and the queen starts laying eggs. Honey bee is one of the few domesticated insects. In modern days bee colonies (iv) Bee-hive: are reared in artificial wooden boxes for maximum production of honey and wax. The artificial box where the bee colony is maintained and managed is called hive. The place where hives are kept and managed is called apiary. (v) Honey extraction: Honey is stored in combs of super frames. It is extracted from the comb by a simple machine called honey extractor. It has a drum containing a rack inside to hold the super frames. It is made to rotate by a set of two-gear wheels, operated by a handle. The super frames are removed from the hive. The caps of the comb cells are cut off by a double edged knife. Then the frames are fixed in the rack and the rack is made to rotate by operating the handle. The honey is forced out into the drum from the comb cells. From the drum the honey is collected in vessels through an exit present in the drum. (vi) Location of Apiary (a) The hives should be set, in places where there are plenty of flowering plants. (b) They should be placed in shady places.
  4. (c) The place should be neat and clean and free from any obnoxious smell . (d) There should be clean drinking water nearby because each bee colony requires two glasses of water per day for their survival (vii) Protection Honey bees should be protected from garden lizard and snakes. Black ants steal honey. So water should be placed at the base (b) of (c) the stand. Wasps kill honey bees . So protection should be provided against wasps. (d) Wax-moth damages the combs . from wax-moths . So the combs must be protected (viii) Chemical composition: Honey contains nearly 80 different substances of importance to human beings. The important chemicals are as follows: (a) It contains a large amount of glucose or fructose. (b) It contains proteins as well as fats . (c) The vitamins present in honey are A, B (d) A variety of enzymes are present in honey. B6, C, E and K. They include diastase, invertase, lipases. catalase peroxidases saccharase, and It contains many organic acids . The acid is formic acid; other organic acids acid, tartaric acid and oxalic acid. It contains a variety of minerals (f) etc. Fisheries (i) Fishes are a valuable and easily accessible source of food, most important are malic acid, like Ca, organic citric K, rich in protein, highly nutritious and easily digestible. By the aquatic animals, they are abundantly available from sea, rivers, lakes, ponds and marshes. (ii) Aquaculture is the production of useful aquatic plants and animals such as fishes, prawns, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, molluscs by the proper utilization of small and large bodies of water. Pisciculture is the production and breeding of fishes by man in ponds. Classification of cul tivable fish species Zoological name (a) Fresh water fishes Common Name Areas of availability
  5. l. Catla catla 2. Labeo rohita 3. Labeo calbasu 4. Cirhinus mrigala 5. Mystus singhala 6. Heteropneustesfossilaris 7. Wallago attu 8. Clarius batrachus (b) Brackish water fishes 9. Chanos chanos 10. Mugil cephalus I l. Laters calcorifer (c) Marine fishes 12. Sardinella longiceps 13. Harpodon heherius 14. Hilsa ilisha 15. Stromateus sinensis 16. Anguilla anguilla 17. Aluitheronema 18. Cyano-glossus semifas- ciatus Catla Rohu Calbasu Mrigal Singhala Singhi Malli Fresh water shark magur Milk fish Grey mullet Perch Oil sardine Bombay duck Hilsa/ Indian shed Pomfret Eel Salmon Flat fish All over India common in Krishna and North, East and South India North and South India North and South India All over India All over India North, east and South India All over India A.P.coast East coast East coast West and south coasts Maharastra coast Coastal India Indo pacific coast Coastal India East and west coast East coast of India (iii) Culture method: The success in fish culture and the high production of table - size fish through carp culture depends largely on the designing and construction of ponds. The basic principles involved in designing and construction of carp culture ponds are of very specialized nature and vary from region to region depending upon several factors like topography, soil types, water supply etc. The requirements with regard to the designing and construction of fish farm are entirely different from those attributed to agriculture and animal husbandry farms.