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Gratuity Act, 1972



Gratuity is the reward in the form of money for an employer to his employee on his termination for his past services. Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 applies to whole India except Jammu and Kashmir State. Application of Gratuity Act [Section 1]:- Every mine, factory, oilfield, port, plantation and Railway Company. Every establishment or shop within the meaning of any law for the time being in force in relation to establishment and shops in a State, in which ten or more employees are or were employed on any day in the preceding twelve months. Such class of establishment or other establishments, in which ten or more workers/employees are or were employed on any day in the preceding twelve months, as notified by Central Government of India by way of a notification in the Official Gazette. If the provisions of the Gratuity Act 1972 become applicable to an establishment or shop once, the Act shall continue to apply to such establishment or shop even if the number of workers/employees falls below ten at any time in the future. A worker/employee is eligible to receive gratuity under the Gratuity Act 1972, if he/she:- Is employed in an shop or establishment to which the Gratuity Act applies (Section 1) Is an employee as per Section 2(e). Has been in Continuous Service of not less than five Years – subject to some exceptions. Application to whom and in what manner [Section 7]:- Employee shall made an application in written to the employer within thirty days from the day gratuity becomes payable. If the date of termination or superannuation or retirement is known in advance, the employee may apply in written to employer before thirty days of termination or superannuation or retirement. Determination by employer [Section 7]:- Employer need to determine the amount of gratuity, as soon as it becomes payable. Employer also needs to provide a notice specifying the amount of gratuity to employee and controlling authority. Note: It’s the responsibility of employer to determine the amount of gratuity and provide notice to employee and controlling authority, irrespective of the fact whether an application for payment of gratuity has been made or not. Payment of Gratuity:- Time limit – Within thirty days of gratuity becoming payable Maximum Amount – Currently maximum gratuity amount is Rs. 10,00,000.00 Under the terms of a contract, settlement or award, an employee may be entitled to better terms of gratuity. Such a contract, settlement or award shall be valid & effectual. Mode of Payment of Gratuity:- Cash Cheque or demand draft; if so desired by the payee. Postal Money Order if gratuity payable amount is less than one thousand; if so desired by the payee. (After deducting the commission payable) Note: The details of gratuity payment shall be sent by the employer to the controlling authority.

NAS S / Lucknow

year of teaching experience


Teaches: Personality Development, SAP Certification, Management Subjects

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  1. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 Gratuity means a lump sum payment made by an employor as the retrial reward for his past service when his employment is terminated. Eligibility: Any person employed on wages / salary. At the time of retirement, resignation or superannuation, an employee should have rendered continuous services of not less than 5 years. Payable without completion of five years only when death and disablement. The amount of gratuity payable to an employee shall not exceed Rs.10, OO,OOO. Gratuity shall be payable to an employee on the termination of his employment after he has rendered continuous services for not less than 5 years. a) On his superannuation , b) On his retirement or resignation, c) On his death or disablement due to accident or diseases. Types of Gratuity 1) Normal Rate: Employor shall pay gratuity to an employee at the rate of 15 days wages based on the rate of wages last drawn by the employee concerned. Normal rate= Basic + DA *15 days * No. of year of service / 26 2) Piece Rate: In the case of piece rated employees, daily wages shall be computed on the average of the total wages received by him for a period of three months immediately preceding the termination of his employment and for this purpose the wages paid for this purpose the wages paid for any overtime work shall not be taken. Piece Rate = Average salary of last 3 months (Basic + DA)*15 days * No. of year of service / 26
  2. 3) Seasonal Establishment: Employee is not so employed throughout the year the employor shall pay the gratuity at the rate of 7 days wages for each season. Seasonal Establishment= Basic+DA*15 days * No. of year of service / 26 Treatment of retirement benefit As per the payment of gratuity act, 1972 the minimum of the following amount is exempt from tax. a) The amount of gratuity actually received. b) 15 days for every completed year of services or part thereof in excess of six month. However in the case of an employee who is employed in a seasonal establishment and is not so employed throughout the year, the exemption shall be for seven days wages for each season. c) Maximum limit Rs. 10, 00, 000. Gratuity received / receivable in excess of the minimum of the above amounts will be included in the gross salary. On the other hand, gratuity received by the legal heir on the death of the employee in excess of the minimum of the above amounts shall be taxable under the head "Income from other sources". For the purpose of completed year of service, more than 6 month shall be taken as a completed year, a period of 6 months or less than 6 month shall be ignored.